Väitös signaalinkäsittelytekniikan alalta, M.Sc. (Tech.) Karthik Upadhya

2018-08-30 12:00:00 2018-08-30 23:59:59 Europe/Helsinki Väitös signaalinkäsittelytekniikan alalta, M.Sc. (Tech.) Karthik Upadhya Väitöksen nimi on “Channel Estimation in Large-Scale Multi-Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond: Novel Pilot Structures and Algorithms” http://old.eea.aalto.fi/fi//midcom-permalink-1e8706f737669ec706f11e892ddf947afca17621762 Maarintie 8, 02150, Espoo

Väitöksen nimi on “Channel Estimation in Large-Scale Multi-Antenna Systems for 5G and Beyond: Novel Pilot Structures and Algorithms”

30.08.2018 / 12:00

Data generated at a sensing node is valuable only when there is a fast and reliable communication link to ferry it to a computing node for inference. With the advent of technologies such as the internet of things, virtual/augmented reality, and self-driving vehicles, the data generated by machines, in addition to the need for high-speed in-ternet access for conventional mobile users, is fueling the demand for higher com-munication throughputs. This demand is expected to be fulfilled by 5G and future networks through the use of two main technologies, namely, large-scale antenna ar-rays and communication at millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies.

Knowledge of the wireless communication channel is essential for utilizing the bene-fits of large-scale antenna arrays, and acquiring this channel state information (CSI) has its associated challenges. In this thesis, we address the problem of CSI acquisi-tion at sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequencies and propose novel pilot structures and algorithms that improve the throughput and reliability of these future networks.

Vastaväittäjinä toimivat professori A. Lee Swindlehurst, University of California, USA ja professori Erik G. Larsson, Linköpings universtitet, Ruotsi

Valvojana on professori Sergey A. Vorobyov, Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu, signaalinkäsittelyn ja akustiikan laitos.

Väitöskirjan verkkosivu

Väitöstiedote (pdf.)

Paikka: Maarintie 8, Espoo, sali AS 1

Väittelijän yhteystiedot: Karthik Upadhya,+358417039698, karthik.upadhya@aalto.fi,
Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu, signaalinkäsittelyn ja akustiikan laitos,
Konemiehentie 2, Espoo