Vierailuluento: Professori Moshe Givoni
Kestävä liikenne ja teknologian nopeat muutokset: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia politiikan ja tutkimuksen tekijöille.
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Viraileva professori Moshe Givoni Tel Avivin yliopistosta luennoi aiheesta: Kestävä liikenne ja teknologian nopeat muutokset: haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia politiikan ja tutkimuksen tekijöille.
Lue professori Givonin haastattelu.
Luento on avoin kaikille.
The many technological developments in the transportation sector are likely to fundamentally change the transport system. There is growing interest in the field of transportation from outside players, which is the result of recognizing the role of transport in current environmental problems and, even more, the many business opportunities brought by technological changes in the field. This combination often gets the title "smart mobility”, although no one set criteria to determine what is “smart” and if smart is also sustainable. Into the same trend, Transport Policy and Transport Research are attracted one after the other, and it is unclear whom or what leads the way. This emerging reality has numerous shortcomings, the main one is the risk of directing transport policy and research efforts into avenues that will further lock us into motorized, private-vehicle transport system that is more damaging than contributing to the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of society.
After illustrating and reflecting on the above situation, this lecture will offer a number of research directions in the field of transport and mobility that should be prioritised.