Best paper award to Marko Hinkkanen and Jarno Kukkola
The IEEE ECCE2016 conference was held in Milwaukee on September.

Marko Hinkkanen and Jarno Kukkola have received the Best Paper Award by IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Industrial Drives Committee (IDC). The paper is titled "State Observer for Sensorless Control of a Grid-Connected Converter Equipped With an LCL Filter: Direct Discrete-Time Design”
The Conference was held in Milwaukee on September 2016. Paper provides good theoretical analysis along with simulation and experimental results.
At the same Conference the paper titled "State-space flux-linkage control of bearingless synchronous reluctance motors" by Seppo E. Saarakkala, Maksim Sokolov, Marko Hinkkanen, Jari Kataja and Kari Tammi have received diploma.
Paper “State Observer for Sensorless Control of a Grid-Connected Converter Equipped With an LCL Filter: Direct Discrete-Time Design” (pdf)
Paper "State-space flux-linkage control of bearingless synchronous reluctance motors" (pdf)
More information about the conference.