Dissertation in the field of Radio Engineering, Andrey Generalov
The title of thesis is Dielectric rod waveguide components at sub-THz frequencies
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The sub-THz devices operating at 100 GHz – 1 THz frequencies are the key im-portance for numerous applications such as medicine, security, astronomy, com-munications, material studies and others. The sub-THz wave region lies between radio frequencies and optics, and due to the lack of stable and powerful sources and instrumentation of THz radiation for the last decades it has been called the THz gap.
The existing RF components and waveguides are well established at frequencies below 60 GHz, however they experience difficulties at higher frequencies. Nowa-days they can reach up to 1 THz, but produce very small amounts of power and experience losses because of fundamental properties of common metal wave-guides. That’s why there is a need for a rather qualitative than quantitative im-provement in the THz technology.
The dielectric rod waveguide (DRW), unlike the commonly used hollow metal waveguides can be made from Si, GaAs, or sapphire without use of any metals. It allows, first, to significantly reduce the losses, and, secondly, it offers opportuni-ties for integration novel types of THz devices into DRW. In addition, the DRW can work as an antenna which will allow to create THz radar and communication sys-tems.
Even though the DRW is a promising technology for the future THz devices, the key electronics components must be developed for integration with the DRW us-ing a novel approach. In the thesis work the wideband DRW antenna, DRW THz power sensor, and DRW phase shifter were developed.
They show excellent wideband performance and bring the DRW technology clos-er to finally fill the THz gap.
Opponent: Professor Yevhen Yashchyshyn, Politechnika Warszawska
Supervisor: Professor Antti Räisänen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Radio Science and Engineering
Contact information
Andrey Generalov
Tel. +358 50 420 5822